Key highlights of the international conference "Clean Earth, Clean Money: unmasking environmental crimes and money laundering"
The Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia is organising an international event “FIU Conference on Crypto Assets 2023: Shaping the Future Framework” in Riga, Latvia, on the 18th of May, 2023.
More specifically, the conference is going to look into the variety of approaches presented globally towards crypto asset regulation and policy. Representatives from numerous jurisdictions will share their experience in developing their crypto related national policies. Furthermore, a significant focus will also be placed on the development of the MiCA Regulation by the EU.
In addition to the policy framework, the conference will explore the supervision of crypto asset service providers (CASP) by looking at the best practices and lessons learned from various countries. In order to establish an open discussion, the perspective of the private sector will be included throughout all of our discussions by incorporating the point of view of CASPs, banks and other private sector representatives.
AGENDA. FIU conference on crypto assets: shaping the future framework
The conference is organized under EEA Financial Mechanism period 2014-2021 programme “International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” project No. EEZ/FID/2021/6 “Improvement of Employee Knowledge in Combating Money Laundering in Latvia”
Key highlights of the international conference "Clean Earth, Clean Money: unmasking environmental crimes and money laundering"
FIU Latvia organised the Financial & Cyber Crime Analysis Tournament 2025