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The Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia (hereandafter - the FIU Latvia) is a national regulatory authority. It is under the supervision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia.

The main aim of the FIU Latvia is to prevent the use of the financial system of the Republic of Latvia for the performance of financial crimes. 


The FIU Latvia is managed and represented by its Head of FIU. Head of Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia since 28th September, 2023 is Mr. Toms Platacis.

The FIU Latvia shall perform the functions specified by law - shall receive information regarding a suspected transaction, register it, process it, store, analyse the information received and shall forward it to the other responsible authorities for subsequent investigations.

To notify the FIU Latvia of a potential criminal offence may in any of the following ways:

The FIU Latvia is located in Riga, Vaļņu street 28. 

We can be called by phone: +371 67044430, the e-mail address is: pasts@fid.gov.lv.