AML innovation hub


Project "Establishment of an AML innovation hub to improve identification of money laundering"


Main result of the project will be investigation and combating of financial crimes efficiency improvement. With the help of modern technologies, will be improved cooperation and crime prevention of the participating institutions. 


Project goal:

Strengthening capabilities to identify money laundering, terrorism or proliferation. Investment will contribute to the creation of the anti-money laundering (hereinafter - AML) innovation hub for knowledge and information exchange between participating institutions to improve anti-money laundering with modern information technologies and data analytic tools. As a result, the rate of increase in the volume of financial and economic crime cases submitted for criminal investigation electronically will be ensured from 0% to 100%, hich means the improvement of the identification of money laundering by implementing a continuous transfer of knowledge based on data analysis and typologies from research to financial intelligence in a secure public-private within the partnership platform.


Project activities:

  • Creation/equipment of research, competence development  and strategic operational communication halls;
  • Creation of a secure technologically equipped platform for knowledge exchange, transfer and communication;
  • Creation of inter-system technological connections of the involved parties;
  • Data analysis solutions and development of control algorithms and selection of mathematical models for porblemsituations;
  • Creation of a technological analytical platform for hypothesis analysis.

Total financing of the project: EUR 1 783 552. 


EU financing: EUR 1 474 010.


Project implementation time: from 5th July 2022. till 31th March 2025.