FIU Latvia Annual Report for 2022


The Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia (FIU Latvia) has published Annual Report for 2022, which is available on the FIU website in the section "Abou us".

The new annual report reflects the FIU Latvia performance in several fields: financial intelligence (tactical and operational analysis), work in the field of sanctions, cooperation with partner institutions abroad, the  work in organising international events, in the field of strategic analysis, coordination of cooperation platforms, and in the field of information technology development.


In 2022, the FIU Latvia received the BECA (Best Egmont Case Award), an international award for exceptional work in the field of financial intelligence, which recognises the expertise of FIU Latvia in anti-money laundering on an international level.


An important area of focus last year was FIU Latvia work in the field of sanctions, which has been prioritised as a response to the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. The FIU has been actively engaged at local and international level to ensure that sanctions are imposed as precisely and fully as possible and to prevent attempts to circumvent them.


Also last year, FIU Latvia continued its work on several important strategic analysis studies, strengthened international cooperation, implemented important training projects in the field of money laundering, and strengthened cooperation between local institutions in the joint efforts to combat financial crime. More information on FIU Latvia performance and results are available in the Annual Report for 2022.


Financial Intelligence Unit Annual Report for 2022

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