FIU Latvia holds discussion on sanctions


On 16 February, within the context of the SIFMANet (European Sanctions and Illicit Finance Monitoring and Analysis Network) project, RUSI (Royal United Services Institute), the Financial Intelligence Unit of Latvia together with the Latvian Institute of International Affairs brought together Latvian stakeholders from the public and private sectors working on sanctions related issues at a national roundtable.

The goal of the roundtable is to establish a common understanding of where Latvia lies and what recommendations and feedback can be provided on sanctions implementation and the response to illicit finance beyond the criminal dimension at an EU level.


Euro SIFMANet brings together European research institutions to raise awareness and inform policymaking against the illicit financial flows that continue to undermine our democracies. SIFMANet is a collaborative network, led by the Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies at RUSI, in collaboration with RUSI Europe, and supported by the National Endowment for Democracy. The network aims to bolster the response of EU member states to the national security threat posed by illicit finance to democracies and to provide viable policy recommendations.


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