
Basel Institute on Governance Anti-Money Laundering/Terrorism Financing Index

The index put together by the Basel Institute on Governance is an independent annual ranking that assesses the risk of money laundering (ML) and financing of terrorism (FT) all over the world.

The risk indicator includes five fields:

  1. Quality of the ML/FT framework
  2. Bribery and corruption
  3. Financial transparency and standards
  4. Public transparency and accountability
  5. Legal and political risks


Financial Secrecy Index

The Financial Secrecy Index is a politically neutral ranking that arranges different jurisdictions based on their financial secrecy and offshore activity. The index helps understand the secrets of the global financial system, identify jurisdictions that are, so called, ‘tax havens’, and recognise flows of criminally obtained financial assets. 

Corruption Perceptions Index 

The Corruption Perceptions Index represents the level of corruption in the public administration of different jurisdictions, as assessed by experts and business representatives. The Corruption Perceptions Index is the most commonly used index of this type in the world.